- Upon receipt of the completed application form, the Ayrshire Roads Alliance will issue the approval.
- Ayrshire Roads Alliance must be notified if:
- Any change is made to the date or time on the application.
- The work is in the vicinity of any permanent signals including Pelican crossings.
- The work is in the vicinity of a level crossing (Network Rail must also be consulted).
- Where emergency or urgent works require portable light signals to be set up out with office hours, the Applicant shall
- Provide retrospective notification/application for written approval on the next working day; and Provide details of the works location, nature of works, portable light signals layout,
and Applicant’s contact phone numbers to Ayrshire Roads Alliance.
- At least seven working days’ notice shall be given for all works other than emergency and urgent works.
For emergency and urgent works, (i.e. when circumstances arise which could result in immediate danger to the public or serious damage to the road), this notice must be sent within 2 hours of work starting.
Ayrshire Roads Alliance must be notified within 48 hours of signals being removed from carriageway. Any changes to start and finish dates must be notified and approved in advance.
Wherever signal control is to be used at a works site, which contains or is near a junction, a plan showing the proposed temporary site layout must accompany this application.
It is a statutory requirement for Ayrshire Roads Alliance to issue written site approval before signals are installed, in these instances.
- Signal Operation:
- Working day is taken to be 0730hrs to 1900hrs
- 24 hours is taken to be continuous use for duration of the works.
- Overnight is taken 1900hrs to 0730hrs
- Off peak is taken to be 0915hrs to 1530hrs (Mon to Fri.)
The signal equipment and traffic signs must satisfy fully all the requirements set out in the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016 and all other relevant regulations, directions and technical memoranda.
Procedures, layouts and operations shall be in accordance with "Safety at Street Works and Road Works - A Code of Practice" and "Traffic Signs Manual - Chapter 8".
The mode of operation of the signals shall be "Vehicle Actuated" to the Department of Transport's booklet "An Introduction to the Use of Traffic Actuated Portable Traffic Signals", (the pink booklet), unless otherwise agreed by the Roads Authority in writing.
- All apparatus whether hired or owned by the user will be subject to a "beck and call" maintenance contract. The user must establish a safe working method of traffic control within 2 hours of notification of a fault or defect.
The apparatus must be inspected and tested before delivery to site and the user must satisfy the Roads Authority and Police that the equipment meets all the necessary requirements and that a competent person has made the pre-delivery check.
Stop/Go Boards must be on site, and in a fit state for use, at all times that the site is manned.
When the site is in an urban environment, the apparatus must be of a type, which produces a noise level maintained below the first action level 85 dB(A).
This will ensure that noise produced is kept to a minimum thus reducing the risk and any harmful effects to the public
East Ayrshire |
South Ayrshire |
Temporary Traffic Signals for Utility Company works (2 way and not at junction) |
£0 |
£0 |
Temporary Traffic Signals for non Utility Company works (2 way and not at junction) |
£125 |
£138 |
Temporary Traffic Signals up to 30 days (3 way or more) |
£125 |
£138 |
Temporary Traffic Signals up to 31 - 90 days (3 way or more) |
£185 |
£204 |
How to Apply
Please note that you must have the road space booked and provide us with your SRWR LAREF Number or Permission Application Number (prior to applying for the portable temporary traffic signal permit).
If the road space is not already booked and you require a road occupation permit / road opening permit / or permission to execute road works please go to
and complete the form prior to applying for a Portable Temporary Traffic Signal permit.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Under GDPR, we now have to supply data subjects with Privacy Notices that contain significantly more information than previously
required under the Data Protection Act 1998. This is in order to meet new requirements about being transparent and providing
accessible information to customers/individuals about how you are going to use their personal data so that they are fully
informed and are aware of how they can exercise their rights under GDPR.
Please confirm that you have read and understood the conditions in the Portable Traffic Signals Permit Conditions and that you agree to confirm acceptance of the conditions when they are issued*.
Failure to return acceptance of the conditions will result in the application being rejected.
You cant proceed with this application unless you answer yes to reading the permit conditions
Section A - Applicants Details
Please provide Emergency out of hours contact details
Section B - Work Details
Section C - Time and Location of Works
Timescales of Work
Section D - Upload Plans
Section E - Billing
Section F - Submit